About us

Since 1996 and the opening of the first Edward’s sandwich restaurant in Geneva we have transformed what was until then simple fast food into a true Sandwich gastronomy. For 20 years this has been our passion, with strict respect for our 3 guiding principles:

Quality :An extremely careful selection of AOC products from Switzerland that meet strict criteria which focus on closeness, traceability and top quality. The products are made in our locale with great respect for the norms that apply to artisanal quality.

Freshness: our great concern for well-balanced diets, but also (and this seems fundamental to us), a true gourmand approach, helps up offer you every day food that is fresh, varied and colourful.

Pick & Choose: The sandwiches can be made completely to order to please your creative side as well as your appetite. Edward’s, a pioneer of made-to-order, remains the point of reference for this after 20 years!!

Notre fameux pavé au levain est pétri chaque matin à Genève (depuis 1996, en exclusivité pour Edward’s), à base de farine suisse, façonné à la main et cuit au feu de bois, selon une fameuse secrète recette genevoise du plus réputé artisan boulanger romand, notre regretté ami Aimé Pouly.

Le saumon norvégien « premium » provient de fermes identifiées respectant l’espace vital du poisson afin de favoriser sa maturité, sa musculature et donc sa qualité.

Le jambon est de derrière et non d’épaule sans aucune adjonction de polyphosphate.

Nos burgers sont 100 % pur bœuf local ou 100% poulet suisse.

Edward's - The fine art of sandwiches
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